Start Event Name Locations Participants
Wed 17
6:30 pm LWSD - Bond & Levies Open House Lake Washington High Alcott Elementary
Audubon Elementary
Bell Elementary
Blackwell Elementary
Carson Elementary
Community School
Dickinson Elementary
Discovery Community School
Eastlake High
Einstein Elementary
Emerson High
Emerson K-12
Environmental & Adventure School (EAS)
Evergreen Middle School
Explorer Community School
Finn Hill Middle School
Franklin Elementary
Frost Elementary
Inglewood Middle School
International Community School
Juanita Elementary
Juanita High
Kamiakin Middle School
Keller Elementary
Kirk Elementary
Kirkland Middle School
Lake Washington High
Lake Washington School District
Lakeview Elementary
Mann Elementary
McAuliffe Elementary
Mead Elementary
Muir Elementary
Northstar Middle School
Redmond Elementary
Redmond High
Redmond Middle School
Rockwell Elementary
Rosa Parks Elementary
Rose Hill Elementary
Rose Hill Middle School
Rush Elementary
Sandburg Elementary
Smith Elementary
Stella Schola Middle School
Tesla STEM
Thoreau Elementary
Transition Academy
Twain Elementary
WANIC Skill Center
Wilder Elementary
7:00 pm EHS - Post High School Planning Night Eastlake High Theater Eastlake High
Thu 18
All Day MCA - Used Book Rodeo book collection & storage McAuliffe Elementary Commons McAuliffe Elementary
8:30 am MEA - Used book fair collection Mead Elementary Mead Elementary
8:45 am MEA - PTSA general membership meeting Mead Elementary Mead Elementary PTA
Mead Elementary Parents
Mead Elementary
9:00 am RED - Passport Check Redmond Elementary Redmond Elementary Students
Redmond Elementary Staff
Redmond Elementary Parents
Redmond Elementary PTSA
10:00 am EIN-New Kindergarten Family Tour Einstein Elementary Einstein Elementary
12:00 pm JME - PTSA General Meeting Muir Elementary Library Muir Elementary Students
Muir Elementary Staff
Muir Elementary Parents
Muir Elementary PTSA
12:30 pm IMS - New to Washington Principal's Chat Inglewood Middle School Inglewood Middle School
2:15 pm JUA - Finn Hill Counselors visit 5th Grade Juanita Elementary Juanita Elementary
2:15 pm RHMS - Dungeons & Dragons Club Rose Hill Middle School Rose Hill Middle School
2:30 pm RHMS - Intramurals Rose Hill Middle School Rose Hill Middle School
2:30 pm RHMS - Science Club Rose Hill Middle School Rose Hill Middle School
3:30 pm JME - PTSA Missoula Children's Theater Muir Elementary Muir Elementary Students
Muir Elementary Staff
Muir Elementary Parents
Muir Elementary PTSA
5:45 pm FRO - Natural Leaders' Meeting Frost Elementary Frost Elementary Parents
Frost Elementary
6:00 pm ALC - PTSA General Mtg and Family Movie Night Alcott Elementary Alcott Elementary
6:30 pm BEL - PTSA General Membership Meeting Bell Elementary Bell Elementary
6:30 pm DCS - Information Night Sandburg Elementary Commons Discovery Community School
6:30 pm LWSD Middle School Honor Rehearsal #3 Lake Washington High Evergreen Middle School All Music Programs
Finn Hill Middle School All Music Programs
ICS - All Music Programs
Inglewood Middle School All Music Programs
Kamiakin Middle School All Music Programs
Kirkland Middle School All Music Programs
Redmond Middle School Band
Redmond Middle School Choir
Redmond Middle School Orchestra
Rose Hill Middle School Band
Rose Hill Middle School Choir
Rose Hill Middle School Orchestra
6:30 pm RED - PTSA General Meeting Redmond Elementary Library Redmond Elementary
7:00 pm EIN - PTSA Membership Meeting Einstein Elementary Einstein Elementary Faculty
Einstein Elementary PTA
Einstein Elementary Parents
Einstein Elementary Staff
Einstein Elementary
7:00 pm FRO - PTSA Meeting Frost Elementary Frost Elementary Parents
Frost Elementary
7:00 pm JUA - General PTA Meting Juanita Elementary Juanita Elementary
7:00 pm LAK - PTSA Member Meeting Lakeview Elementary Lakeview Elementary PTA
Lakeview Elementary Parents
7:00 pm RED - PTSA Board Meeting Redmond Elementary Library Redmond Elementary
7:00 pm ROC - General Membership PTA Meeting Rockwell Elementary Library Rockwell Elementary
Rockwell Elementary Staff
Rockwell Elementary Parents
Rockwell Elementary PTA
7:00 pm TWA - PTSA GM Meeting Twain Elementary Twain Elementary
7:30 pm TWA - Savvy Parents Safe Kids Twain Elementary Twain Elementary
7:30 pm TWA_-_Savvy Parents Safe Kids Twain Elementary Twain Elementary
Fri 19
All Day EMS - REGISTRATION DAY 1 @ EHS 2018-2019 Eastlake High Evergreen Middle School Student Body
Evergreen Middle School