Start Event Name Locations Participants
Tue 24
6:30 pm DCS - Parent Information Night Discovery Community School Sandburg Elementary Parents
Discovery Community School Parents
6:45 pm EJH - 5th Grade Parent Orientation Evergreen Middle School Gymnasium Parents of Elementary Students in Grades 5 & 6
7:00 pm IJH - 5th Grade Parent Night Inglewood Middle School
Inglewood Middle School Gymnasium
Inglewood Middle School
Blackwell Elementary Grade 5
Alcott Elementary Grade 5
Carson Elementary Grade 5
McAuliffe Elementary Grade 5
Mead Elementary Grade 5
Smith Elementary Grade 5
7:00 pm KiJH - 5th Grade Parent Night Kirkland Middle School
Kirkland Middle School Commons
Bell Elementary Parents
Kirk Elementary Parents
Lakeview Elementary Parents
Kirkland Middle School Faculty
Twain Elementary Parents
7:00 pm LWSD - PTSA Special Needs Meeting LWSD Resource Center Alcott Elementary
Audubon Elementary
Emerson High
Bell Elementary
Blackwell Elementary
Carson Elementary
Community School
Dickinson Elementary
Discovery Community School
Eastlake High
Einstein Elementary
Environmental & Adventure School (EAS)
Evergreen Middle School
Explorer Community School
Emerson K-12
Finn Hill Middle School
Franklin Elementary
Frost Elementary
Inglewood Middle School
International Community School
Juanita Elementary
Juanita High
Kamiakin Middle School
Keller Elementary
Kirk Elementary
Kirkland Middle School
Lake Washington High
Lakeview Elementary
Mann Elementary
McAuliffe Elementary
Mead Elementary
Muir Elementary
Northstar Middle School
Redmond Elementary
Redmond High
Redmond Middle School
Rockwell Elementary
Rosa Parks Elementary
Rose Hill Elementary
Rose Hill Middle School
Rush Elementary
Sandburg Elementary
Smith Elementary
Stella Schola Middle School
Thoreau Elementary
Transition Academy
Twain Elementary
Wilder Elementary
Parents of Students Receiving Special Services
Wed 25
All Day KiJH - 7th Grade Registration Kirkland Middle School Kirkland Middle School Grade 7
All Day LWSD - PTSA Gold Level Award deadline Lake Washington School District LWSD PTSA Council
All Day LWSD - PTSA Membership Service Fees due to Council LWSD Resource Center LWSD PTSA Council
7:30 am ICS - Finals International Community School ICS Parents
ICS Students
9:00 am JUA - Vision & Hearing Juanita Elementary Juanita Elementary Parents
Juanita Elementary Staff
Juanita Elementary Students
9:15 am RED - PTSA International Night Planning Meeting Redmond Elementary Redmond Elementary Parents
Redmond Elementary PTSA
9:30 am ALC -EJH 5/6 Registration Alcott Elementary Alcott Elementary Parents
Alcott Elementary Students
9:30 am EJH - Alcott Elementary Registration, 5th and 6th grade Students Only Alcott Elementary Library Alcott Elementary Grade 5
Alcott Elementary Grade 6
9:30 am WIL - EJH Coffee Chat Evergreen Middle School Wilder Elementary Parents
1:30 pm TWA - PTSA After School Jump Rope Club Twain Elementary Twain Elementary PTSA
Twain Elementary Parents
2:00 pm JME - PTSA ASP, Sewing Muir Elementary Muir Elementary Students
3:00 pm LWSD - Meet Preferred Candidate for LWSD Superintendent LWSD Resource Center Audubon Elementary
Emerson High
Bell Elementary
Blackwell Elementary
Carson Elementary
Community School
Dickinson Elementary
Discovery Community School
Eastlake High
Einstein Elementary
Environmental & Adventure School (EAS)
Evergreen Middle School
Explorer Community School
Emerson K-12
Finn Hill Middle School
Franklin Elementary
Frost Elementary
Inglewood Middle School
International Community School
Juanita Elementary
Juanita High
Kamiakin Middle School
Keller Elementary
Kirk Elementary
Kirkland Middle School
Lake Washington High
Lakeview Elementary
Mann Elementary
McAuliffe Elementary
Mead Elementary
Muir Elementary
Northstar Middle School
Redmond Elementary
Redmond High
Redmond Middle School
Rockwell Elementary
Rosa Parks Elementary
Rose Hill Elementary
Rose Hill Middle School
Rush Elementary
Tesla STEM
Sandburg Elementary
Smith Elementary
Stella Schola Middle School
Thoreau Elementary
Transition Academy
Twain Elementary
Wilder Elementary
Alcott Elementary
Resource Center
6:30 pm EHS - Incoming Freshman Parent Night Eastlake High Eastlake High PTA
Evergreen Middle School Grade 8
Evergreen Middle School PTA
Evergreen Middle School Staff
Inglewood Middle School Parents of 8th Graders
Inglewood Middle School Staff
Inglewood Middle School PTA
Eastlake High Staff
Evergreen Middle School Parents
Inglewood Middle School Parents
7:00 pm RHS - 2012 Parents of Incoming Sophomores Redmond High Redmond High Parents
Redmond Jr High Grade 9
Redmond Middle School Parents
Evergreen Jr High Grade 9
Evergreen Middle School Parents
7:00 pm SS - New Family Information Night (Rescheduled) Rose Hill Middle School Cafeteria Smith Elementary
Wilder Elementary
Twain Elementary
Thoreau Elementary
Sandburg Elementary
Rush Elementary
Rose Hill Elementary
Rosa Parks Elementary
Rockwell Elementary
Redmond Elementary
Muir Elementary
Mead Elementary
McAuliffe Elementary
Mann Elementary
Lakeview Elementary
Kirk Elementary
Keller Elementary
Juanita Elementary
Frost Elementary
Franklin Elementary
Emerson K-12
Explorer Community School
Einstein Elementary
Discovery Community School
Dickinson Elementary
Community School
Carson Elementary
Blackwell Elementary
Bell Elementary
Audubon Elementary
Alcott Elementary
Stella Schola Staff
Stella Schola Parents
Parents of all students
Stella Schola Faculty
Thu 26
All Day EAS - Health Fair Environmental & Adventure School (EAS) Environmental Staff
Environmental Students
All Day EXP - 5/6 Class Field Trip Explorer Community School Explorer Community School Grade 5
Explorer Community School Grade 6
Explorer Community School Staff
Explorer Community School Students
All Day ICS - Finals International Community School ICS Parents
ICS Students
All Day KiJH - 7th Grade Registration Kirkland Middle School Kirkland Middle School Grade 7
TBD KaJH - Studio East Production Kamiakin Middle School Kamiakin Middle School PTA
Kamiakin Middle School Parents
Kamiakin Middle School Staff
Kamiakin Middle School Student Body
9:30 am EJH - Rosa Parks Elementary Registration, 5th and 6th grade Students Only Rosa Parks Library Rosa Parks Elementary Grade 5
Rosa Parks Elementary Grade 6
9:30 am LWSD - PTSA Council BOD Meeting LWSD Resource Center LWSD PTSA Council
10:00 am ALC - EJH Coffee Chat Evergreen Middle School Alcott Elementary Parents
3:00 pm TWA - PTSA After School Art Class Twain Elementary Twain Elementary PTSA
Twain Elementary Parents
3:15 pm RHE - PTSA After School Class: Studio East Grades 3-6 Rose Hill Elementary Rose Hill Elementary Faculty
Rose Hill Elementary Students
Rose Hill Elementary Parents
Rose Hill Elementary PTA
Rose Hill Elementary Staff